Stranger With My Face Horror Film Festival have released their very enticing full program, Aug 21 - 24 Hobart. Tasmanian Little Lamb friends, be sure to book your tickets to our World Premiere in the Australian Short Program at 8pm on Saturday 23rd. This is the Director's Cut of the film, that has never before been shown to the public, and the first chance for our many of cast and crew to see how the original ten minute Raw Nerve film has been recut into the 22 minute full story. There's also a red carpet event at SWMF on the Friday. So frock up and rock up! Stranger with My Face was voted in the Top 5 Coolest Women’s Film Festivals in the world by Movie Maker Magazine 2013, and once you check out their program you'll find out why.
Little Lamb won Best Script at the Stranger With My Face Film Festival Script Challenge in 2012.
Little Lamb won Best Script at the Stranger With My Face Film Festival Script Challenge in 2012.